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⠀(important)⠀⠀⠀Before You Follow

i am diagnosed with severe ptsd and adhd, i often tweet untagged nsfw and swear a lot, i delete a lot of tweets and my layout changes often . do not tag me in posts, if you need something dm me about it, however i rarely read my dm requests. i interact with a lot of ship content, mainly around the dt. i am okay with kys and die jokes only if we are close. DO NOT dm me to get to dream for any reason or any circumstance.

⠀⠀(important)⠀⠀⠀⠀Do Not Interact

basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, etc.) support cmc, are a dream anti, put sapnap down to lift up others, under 15, watch and support jschlatt, minx, kaceytron, fundy and connoreatspants. seriously ship dnf, mock neopronouns and misuse tone indicators. don't have basic info on your profile such as age and pronouns, and if you don’t have a dream follow (dnfmwah) /j.

STAN LIST!⠀08/12/2022
DREAM, Sapnap, & George.
FOOLISH, Punz, Quackity.

ALSO LIKE⠀11/01/2022
THE WONDER YEARS, Corpse, & Draco Malfoy.
KNJ, TapL. GMM, AEW, Cartoons.

Dream, Gabe, Ines, Ella, Shim, Noah, Sab, Ember, Ellies, West, Charlie, Sar, Sammie, Alex, Rin, Nick, Connor & Bryan.